Amongst the basic things that I’ve always heard people saying in this personal finance world is to keep your credit score high. Naturally, I became curious to see how I do credit-wise. So of course I have to check my CTOS score.
Category: Money Review
What I Spent for Raya in 2021
As an adult, I just realised how everything about Raya requires money! And here’s how I saved and spent for Raya this year in 2021.
7 Things I Learned About Money from My Parents in My Childhood
I was skeptical about the way my parents handled their finance, especially when we were living dapat gaji, makan gaji, repeat back then. In hindsight, I just realised that my parents did give me valuable money lessons along the way.
My Relationship with Money: A Year Ago vs Now
Prior to starting Figuringgitout, I had a toxic relationship with money. As I became determined to end that relationship, I can slowly feel the changes in my behavior and mindset on money over time.
The Actual Cost of Owning My Car Every Month: Perodua Axia SE
Here’s the actual cost that I’m incurring every month in owning, maintaining, and using my beloved Axia SE.